EE209: Programming Structures for EE

Assignment 5: A Unix Shell

(Acknowledgment: This assignment is borrowed and slightly modified from Princeton COS 217)

Please note that late submission for assignment 5 is NOT allowed.



The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn about Unix processes, low-level input/output, and signals. It will also give you ample opportunity to define software modules; in that sense the assignment is a capstone for the course.


A Unix shell is a program that makes the facilities of the operating system available to interactive users. There are several popular Unix shells: sh (the Bourne shell), csh (the C shell), and bash (the Bourne Again shell) are a few.

Your Task

Your task in this assignment is to create a program named ish. If your program name isn't ish, you cannot get any score. Your program should be a minimal but realistic interactive Unix shell. A Supplementary Information page lists detailed implementation requirements and recommendations.

You can work on this assignment either by yourself or with a partner in this class. If you choose to work alone (e.g., without a partner) on this assignment, you will receive extra credit as described below. We consider it plagiarism when you work on this assignment with another student without team registration.
If you want to do by yourself,

If you want to do with a partner in this class,

Building a Program

You should write your own Makefile; Your shell should be compiled with make command. For certain library functions, you require -D_BSD_SOURCE (or -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE) and -D_GNU_SOURCE options. Please include them in your Makefile.

Initialization and Termination

When first started, your program should read and interpret lines from the file .ishrc in the user's HOME directory, provided that the file exists and is readable. Note that the file name is .ishrc (not ishrc), and that it resides in the user's HOME directory, not the current directory. Note that your HOME directory is specified by the environment variable HOME.

To facilitate your debugging and our testing, your program should print each line that it reads from .ishrc immediately after reading it. Your program should print a percent sign and a space (% ) before each such line.

Your program should terminate when the user types Ctrl-d or issues the exit command. (See also the section below entitled "Signal Handling.")

Important: In supplementary information: (Required) Your program should work properly if the .ishrc file does not exist or is not readable. It is not an error for the .ishrc file to not exist or to be unreadable.

Interactive Operation

After start-up processing, your program repeatedly should perform these actions:

Lexical Analysis

Informally, a token should be a word. More formally, a token should consist of a sequence of non-white-space characters that are separated from other tokens by white-space characters. There should be two exceptions:

Your program should assume that no line of the standard input stream contains more than 1023 characters; the terminating newline character is included in that count. In other words, your program should assume that a string composed from a line of input can fit in an array of characters of length 1024. If a line of the standard input stream is longer than 1023 characters, then your program need not handle it properly; but it should not corrupt memory.

Syntactic Analysis

A command should be a sequence of tokens, the first of which specifies the command name.


Your program should interpret four shell built-in commands:

setenv var [value] If environment variable var does not exist, then your program should create it. Your program should set the value of var to value, or to the empty string if value is omitted. Note: Initially, your program inherits environment variables from its parent. Your program should be able to modify the value of an existing environment variable or create a new environment variable via the setenv command. Your program should be able to set the value of any environment variable; but the only environment variable that it explicitly uses is HOME.
unsetenv var Your program should destroy the environment variable var. If the environment variable does not exist, just ignore.
cd [dir] Your program should change its working directory to dir, or to the HOME directory if dir is omitted.
exit Your program should exit with exit status 0.

Note that those built-in commands should neither read from the standard input stream nor write to the standard output stream. Your program should print an error message if there is any file redirection with those built-in commands.

If the command is not a built-in command, then your program should consider the command name to be the name of a file that contains code to be executed. Your program should fork a child process and pass the file name, along with its arguments, to the execvp system call. If the attempt to execute the file fails, then your program should print an error message indicating the reason for the failure.

Process Handling

All child processes forked by your program should run in the foreground

It is required to call wait for every child that has been created.

Signal Handling

[NOTE] Ctrl-d represents EOF, not a signal. Do NOT make a signal handler for Ctrl-d.

When the user types Ctrl-c, Linux sends a SIGINT signal to the parent process and its children. Upon receiving a SIGINT signal:

When the user types Ctrl-\, Linux sends a SIGQUIT signal to the parent process and its children. Upon receiving a SIGQUIT signal:


You are going to implement redirection of standard input and standard output.

Error Handling

Your program should handle an erroneous line gracefully by rejecting the line and writing a descriptive error message to the standard error stream. An error message written by your program should begin with "programName: " where programName is argv[0], that is, the name of your program's executable binary file.

The error messages written by your program should be identical to those written by the given sampleish program.

Your program should handle all user errors. It should be impossible for the user's input to cause your program to crash.

Memory Management

Your program should contain no memory leaks. For every call of malloc or calloc, eventually there should be a corresponding call of free.

Extra Credit 1 (extra 10% of the full score of this assignment)

You are going to implement pipe so that you can run command piplelines such as:

% ls | sort | grep | wc

Extra Credit 2 (extra 5% of your earned score including the extra credit)

If you do this assignment on your own without a partner, you will receive extra credit which is worth 5% of (your basic score + extra credit 1). Here is an example. If your score is 50 and you got extra credit 1, your earned score is 50 + 10 = 60. If you worked alone, you will receive 5% x 60 = 3 additional points as extra credit 2. So, your total score will be 63.


Develop on lab machines. Use your favorite edtor to create source code. Use make to automate the build process. Use gdb to debug.

As always, we provide you the startup file. An executable version of the assignment solution is available in sampleish. Use it to resolve any issues concerning the desired functionality of your program. We also provide the interface and implementation of the DynArray ADT. You are welcome to use that ADT in your program.

Your readme file should contain:


Use KLMS submission link to submit your assignments. Your submission should be one gzipped tar file whose name is

Do not include your partner's student ID in the file name.

When you submit the code, submit just one copy to the KLMS submission link if you work in a team.

Your submission need to include the following files:

You can use "make submit" to create submission files. Note that it only includes *.c and *.h files that are not included your subdirectories. If you created subdirectories, please be aware of that.


If your submission file does not contain the expected files, or your code cannot be compiled at eelabg1 or eelabg2 with gcc209, we cannot give you any points. Please double check before you submit.

We will grade your work on quality from the user's point of view and from the programmer's point of view. From the user's point of view, your program has quality if it behaves as it should. The correct behavior of your program is defined by the previous sections of this assignment specification and by the given sampleish program. From the programmer's point of view, your program has quality if it is well styled and thereby simple to maintain. See the specifications of previous assignments for guidelines concerning style. Proper function-level and file-level modularity will be a prominent part of your grade. To encourage good coding practices, we will deduct points if gcc209 generates warning messages. Remember that the Supplementary Information page lists detailed implementation requirements and recommendations.

In part, style is defined by the rules given in The Practice of Programming (Kernighan and Pike), as summarized by the Rules of Programming Style document. These additional rules apply:

Names: You should use a clear and consistent style for variable and function names. One example of such a style is to prefix each variable name with characters that indicate its type. For example, the prefix c might indicate that the variable is of type char, i might indicate int, pc might mean char*, ui might mean unsigned int, etc. But it is fine to use another style -- a style which does not include the type of a variable in its name -- as long as the result is a readable program.

Line lengths: Limit line lengths in your source code to 72 characters. Doing so allows us to print your work in two columns, thus saving paper.

Comments: Each source code file should begin with a comment that includes your name, student ID, and the description of the file.

Comments: Each function should begin with a comment that describes what the function does from the caller's point of view. The function comment should:

Please note that you might not get a full credit even if you pass the test with your ./ish. TAs will use other test cases to test functionality and robustness of your implementation.